Auxiliary appliances for bite correction

Non-compliance: if treatment plans are not adhered to, we use special appliances

Cooperation is crucial for effective orthodontic treatment, especially in adolescents. Removable and fixed braces often require discipline, which is sometimes difficult at this age. Rubber bands are also used to increase efficiency – but these also require regular use. We therefore rely on non-compliance appliances for bite correction.

Advantages of auxiliary appliances for bite correction

No active co-operation required:They function independently of the patient’s discipline or commitment.

Continuous effect: Many non-compliance appliances work around the clock, resulting in more efficient and often faster treatment.

Less human error: As they do not need to be removed or adjusted regularly like rubber bands, there is less room for human error, such as forgetting to insert them or applying them incorrectly.

Greater wearing comfort:Some of these appliances are designed to be less disruptive to the patient’s everyday life, making them more comfortable to wear.

Combinable: Some non-compliance appliances can be combined with other orthodontic appliances to ensure comprehensive treatment.


The statutory health insurance fund only pays for elastics for bite correction and not for elegant non-compliance class II appliances such as Forsus, Bio Bite Corrector (BBC), SUS, Power Scope or similar, as the patient’s co-operation is decisive for the statutory health insurance fund to cover the costs.

For children and adolescents, statutory health insurance companies generally cover the majority of the costs for orthodontic treatment if the malocclusion is of a certain severity. This degree of severity is determined on the basis of the so-called KIG (orthodontic indication groups).
Initially, the patient or parents have a 20% co-payment (10% for siblings), which is reimbursed once treatment has been successfully completed.

In the case of private health insurance companies, the assumption of costs depends on your individual tariff and the contractual agreements. It is advisable to obtain information from your health insurance provider before starting treatment. We will also be happy to provide you with a cost estimate.


We usually clarify the willingness to cooperate during the initial consultation or at the latest during the plan discussion and, if necessary, are happy to discuss the options for non-compliance treatment.

Various innovative techniques are available for this purpose. In the upper jaw, we use appliances such as the Beneslider to make room for crowded teeth without removing healthy teeth. To do this, we first insert (link) minipins – these are inconspicuous titanium screws that are fixed in the jaw, while the Beneslider is inconspicuously attached to the palate and fixed to two minipins. This technique enables precise tooth movement without patient involvement and is an alternative to conventional external braces (headgear).
MARA is a mandibular advancement appliance that corrects backbites by stimulating growth in the temporomandibular joint. It can also be combined directly with fixed braces.
The Forsus spring or SUS (Sabbagh Universal Spring), the Bio Bite Corrector (BBC) and the Power Scope, for example, are devices for correcting backbites that are continuously active and eliminate the need for frequent rubber band changes. They are easy to use, interfere minimally with eating and are not very visible, making them popular with patients. Most patients are relieved when they don’t have to think about the elastics.
We will find out together which solution is right for you or your child.

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Invisalign Scan Day am 13.09.2024