Sports mouthguard

A customised sports mouthguard is a specially made protective device for the mouth that is primarily worn during sport to protect the teeth and jaw from injury. Prefabricated mouthguards, which are available in different sizes, often do not fit exactly. As a result, they offer less protection and can even cause problems. We manufacture a custom-fit mouthguard for you or your child for optimum comfort and safety during sport.

When does a customised sports mouthguard make sense?

It makes sense to have a customised sports mouthguard made if you are actively involved in sport and want to protect your teeth from injuries and trauma. This type of mouthguard is particularly important if you play contact sports such as hockey, football, rugby, basketball or martial arts.

Symptoms that should be avoided by wearing a face mask are

  • Tooth fractures or chips after a sporting accident
  • Loosening or displacement of teeth due to an impact
  • Injuries to the lips or tongue due to tooth contact

What does the treatment/process for making a customised sports mouthguard look like?

The treatment to produce a customised sports mouthguard is carried out in our orthodontic dental practice in several steps:

  1. Consultation: Firstly, you will be thoroughly examined by one of our experienced orthodontists. We will discuss your sporting activities and the level of protection you need. A sports mouthguard can be particularly useful in conjunction with fixed braces, as the brackets on the teeth increase the risk of injury.
  2. Intraoral scan: We then take a precise scan of your teeth to create a customised sports mouthguard.
  3. Production: Your customised mouthguard is then manufactured in our laboratory and adapted to your specific needs. This ensures optimum protection and maximum wearing comfort.
  4. Fitting and care instructions: During the fitting, we make sure that the mouthguard fits perfectly and give you tips on care and cleaning.

What does a customised sports mouthguard cost?

The cost of a customised sports mouthguard can vary depending on the materials used and individual requirements. In general, the cost can be between 150 and 200 euros or more.

If you have dental insurance, this may cover part of the cost of a customised sports mouthguard, depending on your tariff. It is advisable to contact your insurance company to find out what benefits it offers in relation to face masks.

Regular care and checks in our practice ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the mouthguard. Remember that investing in a customised sports mouthguard not only protects your teeth, but can also prevent long-term costs for dental repairs and treatment.

If you have any questions about treatment with a customised sports mouthguard or would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

Your therapy options

The sports mouthguard is an indispensable companion for sports with a high risk of injury in the mouth area.
Gap maintainers are important during the development of the dentition in order to secure the space for growing teeth.
Minipins are small screws that are screwed into the jawbone and serve as temporary anchoring points.
In addition to removable elastics, we offer so-called non-compliance devices to increase the efficiency of treatment.
Retainers are used to hold the teeth in the desired position after treatment with braces.
Lingual braces are invisible, fixed braces that are attached to the inside of the teeth.
Removable braces are versatile, comfortable and suitable for different age groups.
Bite splints are used to prevent overloading of the teeth and treat diseases of the masticatory system.
Custom-made snoring splints effectively reduce snoring and thus improve the quality of sleep.
Aligners are thin plastic aligners and an almost invisible alternative to conventional braces.

Make an appointment now

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Invisalign Scan Day am 13.09.2024